On Friday, August 10, 2018, PLEA held its second annual Back to School Event beginning at Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School, located at 4615 South 22nd Street. Backpacks containing regular markers, Expo dry erase markers, highlighters, pencils, scissors, glue sticks, and crayons were given to pre-kindergarten through third grade students during two separate assemlbies facilitated by School Leader Intern Christina Bhattacharya
Once we were finished, we drove down the street to the Percy L. Julian School, located at 2149 East Carver Drive, where backpacks containing folders, ruled paper, composition books, pencil cases with pencils, erasers, highlighters and Expo Markers, were given to fourth through eighth grade students at an assembly facilitated by Assistant Principal Robert Catten.
40 teachers from both schools received bags with classroom supplies, which included Clorox Wipes, hand sanitizer, tissues, pencil boxes, and binders.
A total of 800 backpacks were put together for this program and those which weren’t handed out today were left with school staff to be distributed to students who were unable to attend school today as well as students who will attend these schools in the future. Others were given to Community Action Officers assigned to the South Mountain Precinct for distribution to children they may have contact with during their regular work shifts or community events.
PLEA would like to thank Walmart stores #2113, #2554, #4275, #5190, and #5429 for their generous donations of these badly needed supplies which are valued at $5750.
PLEA would also like to acknowledge Phoenix Police Officers Chris Granado, Rob Sandoval, Jared Smart, and Chad Sullivan along with Commander James Gallagher, and Lieutenant Brian Riggan for their assistance and presence at the event.