
Use of Personal Recording Devices

In regards to the recent ENS releases PLEA has been working with police and city management to ensure officers are able to continue to audio record as necessary both for criminal prosecution and civil litigation.  PLEA understands the need for officers to protect themselves from complaints and reckless accusations in these tumultuous times.  There are several valid legal concerns raised by the courts and the city which directly impact officers who use recording devices on the job – specifically personally owned recording devices.

The department will be sending out a questionnaire for all personnel to complete.  The purpose of the questionnaire is to determine the make and model of equipment being used by officers and the frequency of recording.  After the data is gathered the department will make a determination if the personal equipment can continue to be used based on compatibility with the computer system and also plan on the amount of digital storage that will be needed to accommodate the data.  The ENS (part II) provided a list of audio recorders which are currently supported and PLEA is working with computer services and the forensic imaging unit to expand the list to include much less expensive options for officers.

The purpose of the questionnaire is NOT to hand out discipline.  If issues about recording arise from the questionnaire, police management has assured PLEA they will be handled as training issues.  Special thanks to PLEA rep Greg Gibbs and AC Andy Anderson for working to come up with an interim resolution until a more permananet solution is in place.

CLICK HERE to read the latest department ENS regarding the use of personally owned recording devices.