On Thursday February 17, 2011 HB 2726 was heard in committee. This bill was created by Speaker Adams and would have a devastating effect on YOUR pension. The bill, along with several amendments, passed the committee 5 to 4. One of the amendments will make current employees pensions on base salary and exclude overtime from the calculation. The next step for this bill is for it to move to the Committee of the Whole within the next couple of weeks. There are still many steps before any provisions contained in the bill become law. We also believe most of the proposed changes are unconstitutional and against the law; however, this is not stopping the bill from moving forward. The APA and PLEA are BOTH opposed to this bill and testified at the hearing against the bill. All of the law enforcement groups recognize something needs to be done to ensure the future of our system. We all agree that changes should not occur to current employees and retirees, but are willing to work to bring about reasonable and lawful strategies in addressing shortcomings. Ironically, not one Chief or member of PPSLA stepped up to the plate to voice opposition to this bill even though it will have equally devastating impact on police managers as well as rank and file. Another example, yet again, of police management being content to let the rank and file (and police retirees) do their fighting for them. The videos below show the testimony given by APA Executive Director Brian Livingston, PLEA lobbyist Levi Bolton and community partner Ann Malone before the committee opposing the bill. http://youtu.be/KY34FkTq0Mk http://youtu.be/72qfDgHoRa4 http://youtu.be/zq2a0my0RWI The ABC 15 news story below speaks to the issue of the $1.6 Billion dollars the pension system lost at the beginning of the decade due to bad investments. It was PLEA and the APA that uncovered this information and is pursuing solutions. http://youtu.be/T0yFkI0tMn0