
Leadership and Morale Survey Results Are In!

On Wednesday May 8, 2013, PLEA in conjunction with PPSLA held a joint press conference at the Renaissance Hotel in downtown Phoenix to discuss the results of the recent leadership and morale survey that went out to all Phoenix Police lieutenants, sergeants and officers.  PLEA would like to thank each and every person that took the time to participate in this very important survey.  The survey was sent out to 2,912 sworn police employees and 1,722 (59%) of you took the time to respond.  In the world of surveys and statistical research this is a phenomenal rate of return which narrowed the margin of error to +/- 1.5%.

Most respondents took a great deal of time to submit write in comments to let their feelings be known.  6,000 verbatim comments were recorded that, when printed out, filled several binders. There are no plans at the present time to release the verbatim comments.  PLEA and PPSLA will be having meetings with City leaders as well as with the Chief to speak with them about the survey and to determine where we go from here.

CLICK HERE to view a copy of the survey powerpoint presented to the media.

CLICK HERE to view a copy of the percentage breakouts on each question.