PLEA Members are eligible to receive discounts when attending training offered by Reid Preferred exclusive seminar, The Reid Technique of Interviewing and Interrogation. As a reminder, your Members can attend any Reid Sponsored (typically a hotel venue) Open Enrollment seminar in any state and receive the RPGA Discount.
PLEA Members may attend any Reid Sponsored Open Enrollment Seminar of The Reid Technique of Interviewing and Interrogation at the following discounted rates.
- 4 Day – The Reid Technique of Investigative Interviewing and Advanced Interrogation Techniques™ – $650 per person ($145 savings from standard $795)
- 3 Day – The Reid Technique of Investigative Interviewing and Positive Persuasion™ – $500 per person ($125 savings from standard $625)
Purchase any Reid training product at a discounted rate using the RPGA Discount Code: A20-373
NOTE: The RPGA discount applies to Reid Sponsored Open Enrollment Training only (typically a hotel venue) as Onsite Cosponsored Courses are already offered at a discounted rate.
CLICK HERE to search seminar availability by state, region, or course title.
NOTE: The RPGA discount does not apply to ‘Onsite Cosponsored’ Seminars as they are already offered at a discounted price.