Ron Snodgrass. PPSLA sick leave conversion. Double Dipping Managers. Billion dollar losses. What do all these have in common: Jack Cross. It was Mr. Cross who was at the helm when Ron Snodgrass approached the pension fund manager with the PPSLA “sick leave conversion” benefit and with the “Public Safety Manager” position. Both ideas were found to be harmful to PSPRS and in violation of the pension rules. It appears that some at the State legislature allowed decisions like these to go unchecked.
The lack of oversight seems connected with past pension management strategies that’s costing police officers and their community partners hundreds of millions of dollars. It would appear that for over 10 years that legislative oversight with regard to the Public Safety Pension Retirement System was non-existent. Perhaps legislators need to quit blaming first responders for pension problems and take a long look in their own mirrors.