
Art Del Gaudio Memorial Sign Dedication

Officer Arther DelGaudio Police marker dedication. Pictured left to right: Beth DelGaudio-Salinger (wife of fallen Officer Art DelGaudio), Sgt. Vern Brink PPD Honor Guard, Andrea Salinger (Art's Daughter), MR. Robert Pinchawsky (son in law), and Lt. Richard Gehlbach PPD Honor Guard.
Officer Arther Del Gaudio Police marker dedication. Pictured left to right: Beth Del Gaudio-Salinger (wife of fallen Officer Art Del Gaudio), Sgt. Vern Brink PPD Honor Guard, Andrea Salinger (Art’s Daughter), Mr. Robert Pinchawsky (son in law), and Lt. Richard Gehlbach PPD Honor Guard.

On June 9th at 10:00 a.m., several Officers, civilians, and family members gathered at 10th St. and Rose Lane to honor fallen Phoeniox Police Officer Arther Del Gaudio #2964 with the placement of a fallen Officer memorial marker.

Officer Del Gaudio was killed while in the pursuit of an impaired and reckless driver. The officer collided with another police car and then careened into the wall of a home. His death was instrumental in persuading the State Legislature to enact the Unlawful Flight statute.

Officer Del Gaudio was survived by his wife who was pregnant with their first child.