
Indian School Corridor Block Party

November 2008 Indian School Corridor Block Party

Excerpts from Require the Prior President Ann Malone

The “official” estimate for the day was 15,000 people. (I was told that by media, sheriff, and one of the Phoenix PD who was there). The Sheriff’s office said they had never seen an event like this: Zero incidents and people coming up to them all day thanking them for the support.

In addition, we couldn’t have pulled this off without the support of PLEA. Their police volunteers (something many laughed and told me was an oxymoron) were by my side every step of the way. They were there to serve anyone and everyone from set-up to break down. Again, I ask that my group can build on this relationship that we enjoy with PLEA and be a bridge to making peace where peace is needed.

ISR 2Michael [Johnson], your phone calls from wherever you were last week (Washington?) meant the world to me. And it was great to see Adora and her kids as I flew by on my chauffer driven golf cart. Greg [Stanton], it meant a lot that you could come out and meet some of the folks and thanked MCSO publicly. It was the right thing to do. I do appreciate you both and hope the three of us can continue to work together for the good of all.

By everyone’s account it was a very successful event. But I will measure the success of this event by two things: How much money we raise for the charities; and how hard we work together to build on this success: Businesses, homeowners, city officials, county officials, Union and 4th Floor – real partners, building real prosperity for the good of all.

Comment from participants include:


Congratulations on a perfectly executed event! The stars must have been aligned because the weather was wonderful, the crowds so appreciative, and the merchants delighted! WE had such a nice time, exploring places that in 14 years in the neighborhood never bothered to investigate. What a coup, your tenacity and drive really paid off!

The Block Party was a Great Success! Thank you again for allowing MOMA’s House to participate. We met great people, potential donors and volunteers. Thanks for “Joining the Journey.”

I would like to congratulate you on a job well done. You put a smile on a lot of people’s faces!! I was very impressed. Being in the area 6 years now I must say you way out did yourself. We raised over $1500.00 for PLEA. If there is anything we can do for you in the future, please don’t hesitate to ask. Job well done!!!”

I just wanted to express my happiness with the Block Party today. I’ve lived in this area for 3 years now and have driven up and down Indian School Road thinking “I really need to stop in there some day” and never got around to it. The Block Party today gave me that opportunity, as well as the opportunity to see many other businesses, enjoy some great local food and excellent entertainment. I look forward to the future events that your organization sponsors and hope that they include more events like the one today. Congratulations on a job well done!”