
Last Best and Final Offer!

Currently, there is no new MOU agreement between PLEA and the City of Phoenix.  PLEA is preparing to bring the membership the City’s last best and final offer.  Most likely, we will not know the details of this offer in its entirety until Thursday, March 22, 2012.  At that time, we will inform the membership of the offer, the pros and cons of the offer, ramifications of voting yes or no, and the next steps.  As promised, the membership will be given the opportunity to vote on the offer.

Voting will begin on Friday March 23, 2012 at 0730 hours and conclude on Wednesday March 28, 2012 at 1200 hours.  The reason for the short voting period is to ensure that we do not forfeit any of your meet and confer rights under the ordinance.  You must vote in person at the PLEA office and per the bylaws, you must be a member in good standing to vote.

Informational meetings for MEMBERS ONLY will be conducted at the following dates and times at the PLEA Office.  Please feel free to attend.

Friday, March 23, 2012:
0900 hours and 1500 hours


 Monday, March 26, 2012:

0900 hours and 1600 hours
Tuesday, March 27, 2012:
0900 hours and 1200 hours
These dates and times are tentative, as things can change over the next few days.  We will provide complete details no later than Thursday March 22, 2012.