On Tuesday January 11, 2011 PLEA met with the City Manager and police management to discuss the centralized booking process and other issues. Commander Louie Tovar communicated that the CB process “has been very successful” and the Department is addressing staffing and work environment issues. David Cavazos clearly communicated that the Police Department will not be hiring officers and civilians for another 4 years and that police budget is over by 10%. It was learned that Chiefs Williams and Anderson are “not being replaced” upon their departure from the Department. Mr. Cavazos emphasized to Chief Yahner that working with PLEA was important to him and that communication was vital in solving problems. Chief Yahner assured the City Manager and PLEA that ideas from the Association were “absolutely not” turned down or ignored by the “4th floor” simply due to PLEA’s support of an issue. It is encouraging to hear that decisions from police management and the priority of the City Manager is to work in the best interest of the citizens, the employees, and the organization – this difficult budget, along with the City Manager, do not allow room for personality driven management decisions.