On Saturday May 7, 2011, the Buckeye Police Association held a fundraising event in memory of fallen Buckeye Police officer Rolando Tirado and wounded officer Christopher Paz. The event was held at Youngkers High School in Buckeye where Rolando worked as a school resource officer. PLEA, the APA, the Phoenix Police explorers and numerous volunteers from the Buckeye community assisted with the event which was successful in raising $17,000 dollars which will go to assist the Rolando and Paz families during this time of crisis.
PLEA was approached by numerous persons during the event including members of the Buckeye law enforcement community, the Mayor of Buckeye and City Council members who all expressed deep gratitude not only to PLEA and the APA, but to everyone in the Phoenix PD as well for the tremendous amount of support given them during this crucial time.
PLEA would like to extend special thanks to the following persons and organizations whose generous donations made this event possible. U.S. Foodservice for their donation of food products for the event, Professional Event Management (PRO-EM) for supplying the much needed 60′ x 40′ overhead canopy, Danny’s Family Car Wash, Walmart, Frito-Lay and Mr. Paul Singh.
(pictured below L-R are: Mr. Mark Mann, Chief of Police, Buckeye; Mr. Jackie Meck, Mayor of Buckeye; Sheriff Paul Babeu, Pinal County; Mark Spencer, President, Phoenix Law Enforcement Assn.; and Joe Clure, Treasurer, Phoenix Law Enforcement Assn.)