On Tuesday June 26, 2012, a Phoenix police supervisor leaving the academy came into contact with an unkown subject acting in an irrational manner in the middle of the roadway at 7th Avenue and Dobbins Rd. The sergeant who was in plainclothes in an unmarked city vehicle stopped to question the subject as to why he was in the roadway and to check his welfare. The suspect, suddenly and without provocation, attacked the sergeant by partially entering the vehicle and physically assaulting him. The sergeant fearing for his safety fired one shot ending the attack. The suspect collapsed a short distance away.
What the media is conveniently overlooking is that the suspect was later determined to be a seven time previously deported felon. Events such as the recent ruling by the Supreme Court in regard to SB-1070 underscore the importance of police officers having the ability to question a persons citizenship status if there is reasonable suspicion to believe they are in the country illegally.
Audio PlayerListen Now! to Mike Broomhead discussing the issue of a seven time previously deported felon assualting a Phoenix Police Officer.