Happy new year! I’m sure many of you are looking forward to a new year and the possibility of making it better than last year. A new year brings an opportunity to make some changes and set goals for improvement.
Undoubtedly, there will be changes within our City and Department that we will have to deal with. While some situations remain unknown, we do know that the Office of Accountability and Transparency will begin staffing in January. How the office will operate remains to be seen, but it will have some sort of new impact within our Department.
The Department of Justice investigation could conclude this year, and depending on the outcome, could bring about changes for us.
It is because of your hard work and dedication that PLEA has garnered community relationships and new partnerships.
In my opinion, the largest potential change we may experience is a shift in the structure of the Phoenix Police Department. As our personnel numbers continue to drop, organizational changes will be made. Some of us have been through this before, but never with the rapidly declining number of police versus the massive development and population growth of Phoenix. Hopefully, the City will respond to ideas for hiring and retention to do something to help, but that’s just hope, so we will continue to press.
2021 continued to bring challenges to our membership, and 2022 will be no different. As demanding as this career can be, most are “rolling with the punches even though the hits keep coming.” It is so easy to focus on the negative that we forget about the positive. Try not to let the negativity fuel you. It is because of your hard work and dedication that PLEA has garnered community relationships and new partnerships. Our community wants to be involved with their police department. People recognize the sometimes unfair media portrayal of our ranks and the lack of support from some in city leadership. The majority of the Phoenix community stands with its police department and #10654 understands our plight. These community and political relationships will help PLEA continue to strive toward developments that benefit Phoenix police officers and our community.
Whatever 2022 may bring, we will continue to contend with situations for a positive outcome. I hope that your individual accomplishments for the new year are many.
Your PLEA Board wishes you and your family a safe, healthy and happy new year.