
Representation Committee


Yvette Bro Email

Vice Chairman

Dan Grant Email
Ryan Hoffrichter Email


Helene Balmir
Will Bishel
Anthony Navas
Joseph Zingaro
Todd Trynosky
Kyler Anderson
Lauren Burke
Michael Davidson
Angelique Estrada
Jim Jarvis
Brandon McCombs
Craig McKarns
Nicholas Nesselrode
Jennifer Slivka
David Rowley

If You Have a Grievance

First: You have to attempt resolve the matter formally with your supervisor.
Second: If you cannot resolve this with your supervisor, contact one of the representatives above.
Remember: There are time limits to initiate a written grievance.

If You are Being Investigated

Record: All interviews once you have been given an NOI.
Copy: All memos or paperwork related to the investigation.
Truthfully: Answer all questions related to the investigation.

If you are contacted by the Professional Standards Bureau (PSB) or any police supervisor regarding an investigatory interview or interrogation, the MOU allows for that PLEA Representative to be present before that interview is conducted. The employee must request representation.

For your convenience, a PLEA Board member and representative are available 24/7. You can also download the PLEA app search, “Phoenix Law Enforcement Assn”.

If you are contacted by the Special Investigations Detail (SID) request their information and DO NOT speak with them until you have spoken with a criminal defense attorney, a PLEA Board member can assist you with a referral.

During normal business hours, please contact the PLEA office at (602) 246-7869. During weekends, holidays and after hours, contact the Radio Supervisor.