PLEA Continues to Address PPD Staffing Issues
On Monday, December 5, 2016, PLEA held a press conference regarding the current manpower issue the Phoenix Police Department is facing.
Despite a flow of recent Academy graduates entering and completing the Field Training program, Patrol is still dangerously understaffed and... Read More PPD Staffing Reduction List is Out
After much waiting, the list detailing staffing cuts by listing what units are giving up how many bodies has finally been released. Management deferred releasing the list until the respective bureaus / units could notify affected officers personally.
The final numbers totaled 177 persons... Read More Broomhead on Police Manpower Crisis
On his Friday, December 9 morning drive time show, KFYI talk show host Mike Broomhead spoke out on issues currently facing the Phoenix PD on the staffing and manpower crisis. This crisis has left upper level Police managers with no choice other than to... Read More PD Staffing Detective to Patrol Transfer List to be Released Today
The department will be announcing later today (12/10/16) what detective details and patrol specialty units will be shifting manpower back to patrol squads. The final number on the actual bodies being moved is 16 Sergeants and 166 officers for a... Read More Phoenix Law Enforcement Association Makes a Plea to Public to Put Pressure On City to End PD Staffing Crisis
On Monday December 5, 2016, PLEA held a press conference to notify the citizens of Phoenix of the realities behind the manpower crisis facing their police department. When PD management says patrol staffing needs to be brought up to 1096... Read More PLEA gives comment on KFYI re: PD Manpower Issue
On Tuesday December 6, 2016, PLEA President Ken Crane was interviewed on the Mike Broomhead morning drive radio show on radio station KFYI. PLEA reiterated the concerns laid out in our press conference on December 5th with regard to PD... Read More